The Sketchbook

by Kyle Oftedahl

About the author

Kyle Oftedahl author of The Sketchbook

Kyle Oftedahl is an author who grew up in Utah with his brother Matt and now resides in Idaho, where he continues to type up his stories. He loves to make memories playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends. He hopes his stories will have a long-lasting impact on readers, young and old.

The best way to reach Kyle is through email.


Kyle Oftedahl

Favorite Reads

I thought it might be interesting to share a few of my favorite authors.  There was a time when I did not enjoy reading. These authors changed all that.

Tui T. Sutherland, at the time I write this, is my favorite author by far. I love her Wings of Fire series and have read all of them nearly since it has been around. When I read her books, I can really connect with the characters on a personal level. To think what they think, and to see the story unfold through several pairs of eyes that all notice different things. Everything seemingly connecting once certain information has been revealed. Having a vast amount of likable and memorable characters share in the experiences going on is something that I don’t see a lot of authors do very often. She’s still adding new editions to the series, and while I understand that everything good must come to an end, having it stretch out a bit longer while still being good and true to its origins, I’m all for reading more of them.

Fablehaven and The Candy Shop War were some of my favorite novels when I was young. Both by Brandon Mull. Those were some of the first books I ever read just to enjoy them. These two series really opened up a sense of wonder that I came to look for in anything else I would read and write in the future. Fablehaven especially showed me that anything is possible when you read. Building, envisioning, incredible worlds solely with the power of words and imagination, that you can visit anytime you want in the spine of a book. Not only that but the ability to share that sense of awe and wonderment with others from anywhere in the world is, to me, a true treasure.

Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief was the first real book I ever read way back in elementary school. Before that, I didn’t really like to read. I found it boring because all I was given to read were stuffy old stories that expired decades ago. But when my mom found a copy lying around, she suggested I try it. Immediately I was enthralled by this alternate reality of gods and monsters roaming around, existing just outside of sight. Only later would I realize that it wasn’t just the story of Percy Jackson that I would love, but of mythology in general. Being able to take something perceived as myth and bringing it to life, giving it a refreshing retelling to new generations, just how legends of old were made and handed down through the ages. It taught me that a story can grow and impact people years down the road from when it was first told. Which in and of itself is simply stunning.